
Thursday, February 17, 2005

Searching for that smell.

I came home from work yesterday and I could smell that somewhere in the apartment there was a problem. Some old decomposing broccoli or meat or both. I had thrown all the food that I had left out away. So I assumed that the smell was in the trash. I took the trash out to the dumpster and went to work. I came home from work and it still stinks. What is it?
I'm looking around and I don't see any huge amounts of food on any of the dishes that need to be washed. No dirty clothes. Nothing sitting in the drains of the sinks. Yet the smell remains.
I have to find that smell and destroy it before the wife gets back from Kansas City.
I went to an improv rehearsal for a show that won't happen for another three weeks but a show, nevertheless, that was mostly my idea. I won't say anything about the show until it actually is put on. Superstitious and possessive of the idea. But I think it's gonna help good ol' Chemically Imbalanced Comedy out. There's been a stench at CIC for a while too. But I think I found that smell too.
I happened upon Don Hall while I was driving around. He runs WNEP theater here in Chicago and is a director as well. He was just standing at a busstop and my friend Scott (of the Chris and Scott Show) and I (also of the Chris and Scott Show) pulled over and took him home. It seemed that he was also searching for the source of a stink. It was the "ennui", as he put it, of a lot of the improv teams that do shows here locally due to the hard work put into the infrequent show to small audiences if any.
Apparently, Jon Favreau said "Chicago is the saltmines of comedy." Because you can work hard and be hilarious here for as long as you want and no one will ever see your show. The implication is that you have to move to New York or Los Angeles to "make it." That's alright. As I get older, I'm finding that I more treasure my relationships to friends, family and wife and I prefer success in shows and artistic endeavors that are actually based in my own feelings and opinions. Of course, success is relative to what you actually want to accomplish. So, I'm looking for the smell of success. It smells like a room full of at least 30 people who are only a little drunk, they're excited to be there and pleased with what I have to offer them in some paying show performed five nights a week.
I'm still searching for that smell.
Currently, I smell the missing food.


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