
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Today the sun is eating fruit loops.
Don't worry about me.
The construction crews have stopped building streets.
They're building a jungle gymboree!
The birds are singing "Ween" songs.
And that's one of my favorite bands!
Every food that I eat tastes like Ding Dongs
Which is what my every taste bud demands.

My chest hurts but in a good way.
I'm going to puff it up big.
By going to the gym to spend my day.
With my i-pod and then I'll dance a jig.
My friends say they'd all like to spoon me.
Then maybe I'm just like ice cream.
Scoop me up, Eat me. We'll soon be
Rowing our boats down the stream.
So proud that I kept my tie clean.
No stains from the vanilla beans.

So one last thing--hey look lollypops!
They're growing like grass on the ground!
There are monkeys driving and arriving at the trolleystops!
And they don't need sign language, they all can make sound!
They said, "Hey people, just lighten up. People get sad sometimes.
They say what they must like a hurricanes gust.
It can't always be big plans and it can't always be fun times.
Sometimes it's just to fuss like Chris fussed."

Once again, monkeys have the most important things to say.
Time to do the laundry, go to the gym, make some lists.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alabama, Mississippi,Flo-ri-da, Louisiana, Georgia. All states named in your song. All states affected by the hurricane. Can you explain this? (p.s. Georiga is included because of high gas prices.)

Wed Sep 07, 04:29:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey...stop slacking off and post something new.


Fri Sep 09, 04:26:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Churchill said...

Did I post this one BEFORE Katrina hit?
That'd be weird.
It says August 31, 2005. When did Katrina hit? Maybe that's why I had been sad.
By the way, the song that Anonymous is referring to was indeed a "Los Shut Up" song but was written by the radiant and amicable Tony Mendoza. And that particular song is the one I miss most about not playing in Los Shut Up no mo. I sing it to myself all the time.

Sat Sep 10, 10:12:00 AM CDT  

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