
Monday, May 30, 2005

It's okay.

I had a dream that Jorge the trolley mechanic told me that my van was okay. My van has been broken down and he said he'd look at it but he still hasn't, so I dreamed that he had and that it was okay. Generally I know that dreaming about anything that has to do with travelling (i.e. walking, driving) has to do with just life and/or working (driving a trolley). I should say, I've been dreading trolley summer this year. I found today that it's okay. I mean to say that I didn't hate today. I enjoyed it. This gives me hope that summer won't be too bad...of course it's still only late spring.

I don't remember if I told you about the dream I had on Saturday. I dreamed that I was walking somewhere (felt like home) and that at some point I took the attitude of "fuck this walking. I'm gonna fly." So I did the awkward but always exhilarating dream flying which always starts out with going, "oh yeah, if i just do this, I can fly a little and everyone else is sooo stupid for not knowing how to do this." But the flying always feels like if I lean too far to one side or if I stop moving that I'll fall hard and fast. Well, in this dream, I got tired of the awkward flying and decided that I would fly higher and better than ever before. So I went up and up and up and then I realized I was above the clouds. And on the clouds I noticed there were equidistantly spaced (as if in a gridlike pattern) glass portholes which I knew led instantly (like a wormhole in space) to far away points. Basically, it was a way of going anywhere I wanted to. Unfortunately, the one place I wanted to go (home) was the one hole that was on top of a huge tall pipe and I was incapable of flying any higher. I tried but I could only get about halfway up. Then as I was standing around trying to figure it out, a guy came out (kind of nerdly, geeky) and started telling me about how he had written the novelizations for the Star Wars movies. Woke up.

At work that day, I found out early that on the route that I was to drive, a parade would cause all the stops but the ones at the endpoints of the route to be excluded. So I was flying, albeit a bit awkwardly. It didn't take long to get from one end of the route to the other without stopping in between. Then the police let it be known that we couldn't stop at one of those stops. So then I had to improvise. Where would I pick up the people on that end of the route? Wherever the hell I wanted to...except for the real stop (home).
Finally, toward the end of the day, we had all the stops returned to us (I was "home") and as soon as the route started to move normally with all the stops included, a little kid got on my trolley, sat in the front seat and started talking about nothing but Star Wars to me. And a couple seats back a nerdy, geeky guy started talking about "great stuff" that he knew. Did I want to hear a Saddam Hussein Christmas Carol? Nope. And I told him so. Twice.
Weird huh? Grid, portholes=grid system of streets, stopping anywhere I wanted to. Home=the regular route. Star Wars nerd= Star Wars kid combined with weird geeky nerd on same trolley.
You get it.
The gift strikes again and again and again. And if you don't believe in it, it's okay. It doesn't have to make any sense to you. It's for me. And sometimes, I don't even believe it. I'm just not quite as cynical as Penn and Telller.

Ate dinner tonight.
Typing in blog currently so that wife doesn't ask me to dry dishes as she washes them...expecting other shoe to drop...soon.


Blogger Web Mistress Julia said...

Was wondering how the parade boogie went this year, such pretty clear weather on Monday, I know that only made things worse/better.

I did my bit, stayed off the road mostly, fought the urge to troll downtown at 5 mph.

You need to see "The Tesseract", Sundance Channel. Kinda like Memento, kinda like your pre-ja-vue dreams, + fever & maybe some William S. Burroughs for good measure.

Wed Jun 01, 02:30:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe in you!! I believe in you!!

That said, can you please dream of an awkward Semitic looking chick with stress related hair loss, finding a new grantwriting job? Thank you.

Maybe this could be a new thing for you. Like faith healing. Unhappy individuals can come to you and ask you nicely to dream of something for them. Maybe they would give you money, which you could in turn keep for yourself so you don't have to work so many hours, leaving you more time to sleep and have dreams. Ad infinitum...

Wed Jun 01, 03:40:00 PM CDT  

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