
Monday, June 20, 2005

I try to be cool.

Yesterday was the first meeting of the new sketch comedy group that I'm directing. I came to the meeting prepared. I laid out my thoughts and explained myself to them. However, at the table was my wife, my great friend and comedy partner Scott, my other friend and Scott's girlfriend Rebecca and former director and performer at Second City and SNL writer Nate Herman. Scott and Becca are in the group but my wife and Nate are not. We mistimed dinner.
So I they watched me eat for a minute while we waited for a late comer.
When I began to explain my plans, there was too much fun going on behind me. I'm highly distractable. Between, the fun behind me, the waitress around us, and the big open front door of the restaurant through which I expected the late comer, I don't feel like I was speaking English. Or at least, I wasn't putting the words in the right order.
I found that I tend to interrupt my thoughts with anecdotes, hypotheticals, and examples to the point that most need a decoder ring to follow me.
I think it went okay.
Scott gave good feedback as did some of the others in the group.
Abram Rabinowitz (I'm not sure if he's of hebrew descent) mentioned that he could get us a stage to use for free. That'd be cool.
Cathy was positive.
Nate said it sounded like I knew what I was talking about.

So, all in all, it felt like I just fought with some dogs. I was shaken, bleeding and buzzing with adrenaline afterwards but from now on, those dogs will listen. Not that my cast is a pack of dogs. The dogs are in my head.

And they're hunting for excess lettuce.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was pretty good experience overall, and am excited about the prospect of this new group. Oh by the way, I accidently invented time travel today. See you in the future!

Mon Jun 20, 08:43:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a pack of dogs in my head too. Only, they are squirrels.

The squirrel cage. Or as my friend Betsy calls it, the squirrel cave.

Mon Jun 27, 02:02:00 PM CDT  

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