
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Happy rings around Uranus!

I'm so glad George Takei came out as gay. He's so interesting and it's only because of his dignity and confidence combined with his relatively effeminate affect and super deep voice that he is so interesting. What a life. Japanese interment camp. Rivalries with Shatner. I even sent him an e-mail of support. I guess, secretly, I wish I was gay (well minus the oppression and hate crimes) because that whole community seems to be having a really good time. I mean, sure, I've really only been immersed in it during the couple of gay pride parades I've driven trolleys for.
By the way, George Takei is also one of the best voices (in entertainment as well as) on the Simpsons.
And he confirmed on Stern today that Shatner wore a wig and a girdle even on the original Star Trek series.
What do you think Shatner looks like? Uncle Fester? I hope so.
You want to do something to you metabolism that you probably shouldn't do? Work out a lot before breakfast. You'll be starving all day long. Which will lead to you eating all day long. Which will lead to you gaining seven pounds in one day. That literally happened to me yesterday. I weigh 225 now! Yay! Give me that girdle, Sulu!
I'll bet there weren't supposed to be overweight people in Star Trek because if someone got too heavy, they could just beam over all of them except the fat. That's the future!
By the way, (kind of on this whole track) I've been seeing these commercials for that really gay (not in the fun homosexual meaning of the word but rather, the coming off as effeminate when one isn't trying to sort of way) work out guy, John Basedow. And I can't get his stupid theme song out my head, "He's John Basedow. He's gonna show you how!" No he's not. I was born the way I am. You can't convert people, Mr. Basedow. There are two types of work out champions. The Awesome Kind-The people who are in really good shape and look great and are in good health and then they go live their lives. Then there are the John Basedow types. They're a little off. A little strange. A little creepy. A little douchy. A little angry. A little "gay" (meaning #2 from above parenthesese.).
And the reason why George Takei is cool is that he is gay (meaning #1) and not a Basedow in anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

George Takei is gay? Really? That's cool. He is interesting, isn't he?

Is that the same workout guy who only wears sleeveless shirts and has the abdomen that cuts so far into his torso that he looks inhuman? I hate that guy.

Fri Nov 11, 09:45:00 AM CST  

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