
Monday, November 07, 2005


THE VICEROY OF TIME!!! We are all trapped in his mansion as he is in ours! We are intertwined. The lover and the beloved. Husband and wife. Lord and subject. ALL IN ONE FABRIC!
It is the VICEROY's powers that sustain the CO-GOVERNORS and give us a mission. And that mission is to please the VICEROY and all of it's underlings.
By the way, THE VICEROY OF TIME walks into a bar and says "i am THE VICEROY OF TIME and I require libation!" To which the BARTENDER OF CIRCUMSTANCE replies, "I'm sorry, sir but I can't serve you. It's 1:59 and the bar closes in fifteen seconds. We don't have the time." To which THE VICEROY OF TIME exclaimed, "You know not the depth of your own ignorance! I am THE VICEROY OF TIME and I have all the time in the universe." And then THE VICEROY OF TIME left the bar only to return a half hour earlier.
Who will be our BARTENDER OF CIRCUMSTANCE? Who will petition us to become the ALDERMAN OF REALITY!! Or is that already my job? Any MAYORS OF THOUGHT out there with the answers?
Forget all those titles. It is the CO-GOVERNORS OF SPACE that have the true power. For without space REALITY can't even get out of its own REALITYMOBILE to wreak havoc in the PARKING LOT OF EXISTENCE! Even now MONKEYS OF RAGE are scoffing at THE ALDERMANS claims of power over the CO-GOVERNORS. And you don't want to be scoffed at by the MONKEYS OF RAGE!. They wield the POOP OF VENGEANCE which rains down with a gurth, velocity and viscosity that leaves only the MINI-ELVES OF SHAME left to rebuild.
Now, VICEROY, are you comfortable with your choice?
As are we. As are we...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

despite what you may think, the VICEROY OF TIME! has no time for your shenanigans!

Mon Nov 07, 04:47:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to have a mini-elf of shame but he was so small I lost him under the carpet.

Fri Nov 11, 10:08:00 AM CST  

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