The good news is: the wife is back in town safely, I had an audition for the Second City Touring company that I think went really well and Cathy and I are going on a vacation at the end of the week to Ixtapa Mexico for free. The bad news: If my audition goes well enough, they call me back for a further audition but that audition is on the day that I begin my vacation which was booked long before the info for the audition was given and (of course) is prohibitively expensive to change at all. Therefore, I have to wish against my own success so that I don't have to waste an opportunity OR I wish for my success, knowing that I must waste this really good audition that I (feel like I) had and wait until next year, hoping that they'll be chomping at the bit to hire me next time. I also hear that if they like you, they sometimes hold extra, private auditions...maybe that'll work out one day.
Chances are that the call back won't happen and not necessarily because I had a bad audition but just because I'm not what they're looking for this time, so it probably won't even come up. But I'm good at working myself up.
I just had my last Annoyance AP II class (improv class) tonight. I like everyone in my class. They hall have their own charm and talent. I'm hoping that many of us end up in the same level III class.
I have to suggest that everyone go to because she's one of my new friends in class and I used to speak about her site all the time to our classmates. When she heard about this blog, she put a link to it on her website. Then, I promptly fell off the lindsaywagon and have managed to not look at her site for like five days or something like that. So I'm going back tonight.
So...let's all hope that Second City says, "Let's hire that Churchill right now. No call back necessary."
Chances are that the call back won't happen and not necessarily because I had a bad audition but just because I'm not what they're looking for this time, so it probably won't even come up. But I'm good at working myself up.
I just had my last Annoyance AP II class (improv class) tonight. I like everyone in my class. They hall have their own charm and talent. I'm hoping that many of us end up in the same level III class.
I have to suggest that everyone go to because she's one of my new friends in class and I used to speak about her site all the time to our classmates. When she heard about this blog, she put a link to it on her website. Then, I promptly fell off the lindsaywagon and have managed to not look at her site for like five days or something like that. So I'm going back tonight.
So...let's all hope that Second City says, "Let's hire that Churchill right now. No call back necessary."
I know the cost is kind of nutsy but couldn't Cathy leave on the day scheduled and you could follow the next (provided of coure that you get the call back). You owe it to yourself to respond positively to any gesture that Second city makes. You are truly a funny person - remember meeting my wife in the grocery store? The bread? That was hilarious.
I hope you can figure out what to do. Best of luck.
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