
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Would Don Hall please stop standing near my travel route?

I'm currently in rehearsals for a Woody Allen play called "God". It's a play that originally wasn't supposed to be performed anywhere outside of the New York area. Well we're in Chicago and we're making it a Chicago friendly show. Basically, this is (to be completely honest) based on a Woody Allen play called "God". I'm all for this approach to doing this show which is a little too "dated" and "New York" to be funny in 2005 Chicago if we didn't approach it this way. So it's a lot of improvising within this show which is good for me. You see, I've been knocked unconscious and had concussions at least twice in my life (if there were more occasions, I, for obvious reasons, don't remember them). Therefore, I'm not very good at remembering stuff. Which is a small handicap for an actor.
The director of the show is Don Hall. He runs WNEP theater and my heart (that's in case he's reading this). He's done a lot of really well-received stuff here in Chicago. He's attained a certain level of renown within the town. But when I say that, that might lead people to believe that he might have his own ride to all the rehearsals for the shows he's involved in. Well, he doesn't have a ride. If anybody wants to pick him up, he'll be standing somewhere on Damen avenue on the northside. I have now happened upon this unassuming figure at busstops at least three times.
Now for those of you who would also like to pick up Don Hall, I have some advice. I found tonight that there's a drawing done by a grade school student at St. Alphonsus school of Thurgood Marshall that looks just like Don Hall. So if you can get ahold of that drawing and look at it while you're driving up and down Damen looking for Don Hall, maybe you'll find him and give him a ride. In return, he'll direct a show for you. It's this "will direct for a ride" trend has gotten Don into the position of being very busy because now he's directing a show based on some rambling by a cab driver and also one that's entirely based on conspiracy theories spouted by the homeless that sleep on the bus. So, if you have an idea for a show that would fit into the category of "What Nobody Else Produces", Don will.
Because he needs a ride somewhere.


Blogger Web Mistress Julia said...

That's great Chris! I have a copy of God someplace in this mess of an apartment, from when I read it in high school or college (or both), always loved it.

We should all be so luck as to have you for God (atheists such as myself included).

Go gettum!

Wed Feb 23, 03:55:00 PM CST  

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