
Monday, March 07, 2005

My unpsychic innards

So, generally, in the morning, about the hour before I wake up, I have dreams that I always think are going to tell me what my day ahead will be like. Yesterday morning, I dreamt that I was going to be rushing around all day looking for a restroom to take a dump in. So I woke up and I felt like that...but nothing. Then, on the way to work, I had to stop at a gas station. Then once I was at work (waiting for a parade I was driving in to start) I had search out a Subway Sandwich place and befoul their restroom.
I guess one could argue that in this particular case, my dream wasn't psychic. It was just reading the rumbling and predicting the earthquake.
Today, I have an audition for a weird corporate gig for Guinness. They want a guy who does improv and stand-up and who can teach while being funny. That's what I did for three months in '03 on college campuses all around the country. The biggest challenge: Looking nice. I'm generally a mess. I guess I should shave and iron a nice shirt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) What was the parade?
2) What, do you think, are the best bathrooms in Chicago?

Mon Mar 07, 04:49:00 PM CST  
Blogger Web Mistress Julia said...


Best bathroom! Gotta be 8th street entrance to Hilton & Towers off Michigan Avenue.

Creamy marble, never busy, no one questions you when you go in there, it's right off the doorway (easy access, maybe the best downtown) & the BEST smelling handsoap in the city!

They label it champagne or something, but it's a vanilla derivitive. Makes me happy and clean!

Oh, and it's always clean, never out of tp, warm in the winter, cool in the summer.

(although I hear the women's up at the top of the Hancock is really nifty, never felt the urge, er, to check it out)

Wed Mar 09, 11:59:00 AM CST  
Blogger Churchill said...

Sorry I forgot to answer, anonymous. (If that is your real name.) The parade was the Northwest Side Irish Parade. The best public bathroom in all of Chicago (as far as my experience would dictate) is at the Bloomingdales Home Furnishing Store at Ontario and Wabash (I think). Even the men have a little lounge type area. (although I'm sure it's nothing like the ladies restroom there.) Also, the urinals don't use water, rather molten gold. Splashback is tough and you frequently come out with ionized urine vapor on you but, man it looks great!

Wed Mar 09, 02:09:00 PM CST  
Blogger Web Mistress Julia said...

Ok, I'll give you Bloomies, it's damn deluxe, but Hilton's closer to the curb, fast access. Oh and the soap, the scent I would love not to live without!

Er, maybe I've said too much, but, well, old habits die hard.

Sat Mar 12, 12:04:00 PM CST  
Blogger Churchill said...

I used the Hilton's restroom and soap today.
You're right. The walk to the restroom is beautiful and the soap is excellent!
And today I walked in next to a man in a kilt.

Sat Mar 12, 04:57:00 PM CST  
Blogger Web Mistress Julia said...

Hmmmm ... man in a kilt ... urinal ... the question everyone asks ... the answer?

Hope he washed his hands!

Mon Mar 14, 02:15:00 PM CST  

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