
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Wild Theory-The Physics Gods

Hey everybody,
Here's another wild theory. I'm very surprised that anyone actually read my blog yesterday, considering that I hadn't posted anything for ten days. Happily, there's Ed, Julia and Scott. Enough humanity. Here's wild theory.

I believe that the best way to open your mind to the understanding of different dimensions that a human brain isn't set up to understand (such as a universe with a different kind of time or none at all)is to think of it in terms of the gods of Greek and Roman mythology. Like want to think of a different kind of time? Think of how Dave Lateral Time would act at a party with Steve Circular Space. It makes the events of that universe act like a hollow tube of probability or a series of disjointed rings.

What about Billy Blue Gravity? I don't even know what that means. But I'll bet if I found a way to define colors relationship to the gravity I'm in, for instance, something like the usage of the doppler red/blue shift, I could figure out what blue gravity is and from there I could personify it and see how Billy Blue Gravity parties with his little brother Jimmy No Electro-magnetism. I would imagine that that whole universe would collapse on itself.

But could something happen from there? I don't know. I don't think the same rules apply in a "blue-hole".

Better chemistry throug living, I always say.

I saw Nanny McPhee tonight. Great movie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nanny McPhee? Really?

Mon Feb 20, 10:13:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, mixing medication sounds like a lot of fun. You got any extras??

Mon Feb 20, 07:04:00 PM CST  
Blogger Web Mistress Julia said...

Yea but Billy Blue can never get it in gear when Rosie Red Shift passes by!

Wed Feb 22, 10:46:00 PM CST  

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