
Friday, February 17, 2006

Real! Wild! Theories!

Chris' Wild Theories is finally going to live up to it's name.Here's the first one:

You know that old rhetorical question...or is it a riddle...where they ask you, "Hey, dude. Do you think God could make a thing so heavy that even he couldn't lift it?" And all the stoners ponder and wonder until there's druel in the dorito bag. Well I think I figured out the answer. And if someone else already figured it out, I still figured it out myself. The answer is this: "Yes, God could do that. And then he'd lift it."
The reason for that is that in order to be God, God must be able to do the impossible. And by 1.)building a thing he couldn't lift (which should be impossible) 2.)lifting a thing that it's impossible to lift (which should be impossible, God has done two impossibles. And it gets deeper than that, if you want to go crazy.

Could God make a time so far away that even He was never and will never be there? Yes and then He did it.

Could God make a space so vast that not even He could be everywhere in it? Yes and then he did it.

Could God write a blog so incomprehensible that even Santa couldn't follow it? Yes.

I believe I have changed as a person due to my recent/current depression episode (by the way I'm technically bi-polar II) so expect more wild theories. It's what I do when the Ativan is working.
