
Thursday, April 21, 2005

Busy weekend.

Big weekend ahead.
Performing in "God" on Thursday, Friday and Sunday. I have an audition after "God" tonight.
Friday night after "God" I am slated to destroy the competition in the "King Of the Mountain" competition at the same theater (Cornservatory, 4210 n. Lincoln.) at 11pm.
That'll be a solo performance. I haven't done many "solo" performances for CIC since we moved to the Conservatory over a year ago. But expect excellence disguised as laziness, sprinkled with genius and protected by song.

But the biggest, most important part of the weekend is Saturday morning, I'll be taking my wife to the airport. She's going to Frankfurt Germany for a week and a half. This will be sad house when I'm here, so expect me not to be here very often.

And of course, I still have to drive those trolleys to make my money. Chances are, I'll see everyone at some point this weekend, so look for me. I'll be the one who's too busy to stop and talk.

Monday, April 18, 2005

The special visitor

It occurs to me that I forgot to document online (for those who I don't speak to on a regular basis) that we had a weird visitor to the trolley barn the other day.
A couple days ago, I was asked to (instead of driving a trolley) weave vinyl through a wire fence. As I was working I was also holding a conversation with Walt and Eddie (two tourguide trainees) and I think Kent (who would have been training them) when a white van with Indiana plates drove up into the lot right past us.
Eddie stopped and said, "Vince Vaughn is in that van!" To which we all replied as if he was kidding.
The van stopped and Vince Vaughn got out.
"Sure enough." I said as Vince lead about 8 others on foot to the back of the lot where we keep our old broken down double deckers.
Turns out, Vince is in a new movie with Jennifer Aniston called "The Breakup" wherein he plays a double decker tour guide. Weird.
My wife (who works in the office) met him an awkward sexy moment. She was just coming out of the shower and Vince was all sweaty from riding horses and mining for iron ore all day. So she dropped her towel and started washing him without really thinking about what she was doing. It was a little awkward.
Or they just bumped into each other. Something like that.
Then she came outside to talk to me as Vince and the Van People drove out. Vince waved with twinkly fingers to her as she was looking away. But I saw it and I let her know. I think Vince likes my wife. Maybe he'll ask her out and we'll all get married.
If Vince needs a funny double decker driver, I could handle that role. I have my airbrake endorsement.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

The missing funny thing.

I said a funny thing the other day but I can't remember what it was. Does anybody know what it was? It was really good. It had a complete joke structure and a punchline that I thought had a really uniquely "Chris" point of view. Now do you remember? I told my wife this joke in the car. I think I had thought of it before but this was the first time I said it to her and she laughed. And she normally doesn't laugh when she knows she's being used as a guinea pig for a new bit. So now you know the type of joke it must have been. It must have been really funny and clever too.
Was it, "Poetry is just like talking except for jerks."?
Nope. I just thought of that tonight.
Was it, "--"
Well if I could remember what it was, I wouldn't be writing this would I?
If you think of what it was, write it down.