Hello Schadenfreuders
Hey Schadenfreuders,
If you've been directed to this blog via the Schadenmail e-newsletter, let me greet you. Hey.
I wanted to introduce the Co-Governors of Space to you.
The tall skinny one is Chris Hauser. He's not here right now. The other one is Scott McNulty. He's also currently indisposed. But I am Chris Churchill. The best of the Co-Governors of Space. Now for the reason that the other Co-Governors might be reading this, I'll say that I'm joking and that they're both wonderfully talented guys. But really. I'm the greatest. Just kidding guys...(not really). Kidding. (nope.)
Anyway, we'll be doing a few minutes at the Schadenfreude rent party this friday and we're pretty excited.
The reason I'm writing this is so that you can go to our myspace page
See you friday.
If you've been directed to this blog via the Schadenmail e-newsletter, let me greet you. Hey.
I wanted to introduce the Co-Governors of Space to you.
The tall skinny one is Chris Hauser. He's not here right now. The other one is Scott McNulty. He's also currently indisposed. But I am Chris Churchill. The best of the Co-Governors of Space. Now for the reason that the other Co-Governors might be reading this, I'll say that I'm joking and that they're both wonderfully talented guys. But really. I'm the greatest. Just kidding guys...(not really). Kidding. (nope.)
Anyway, we'll be doing a few minutes at the Schadenfreude rent party this friday and we're pretty excited.
The reason I'm writing this is so that you can go to our myspace page
See you friday.